Love 2.0

This classic saying is apt, not only because love can emerge from the shoots of any other positive emotion you experience, be it amusement, serenity, or gratitude, but also because of your many viable collaborators in love, ranging from our sister to your soul mate, your newborn to your neighbor, even someone you’ve never met before.

As I was reading, this quote stood out to me. I have always been aware of the different types of love, but now I am understanding it more. Love exists in many forms. There is the love that I have for my sister. The love I have for my parents. The love I have for my grandparents. The love I have for my friends. The love will have for my soulmate. The love I have for my pets, as odd as that may seem. I am beginning to understand what exactly each love represents.

I have found that there are four types of love:
1. Storge- Affection
This is the “fondness through familiarity.” This is the kind of love you have for your family.
2. Philia- Friendship
This is obviously the love between friends.
3. Eros- Romance
This is the love that you share between your lover, or your special person i your life.
4. Agape- Unconditional Love
This is the kind of love that God has for us. The kind that you would sacrifice for someone.
